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Blogging is a powerful, yet underrated tool in your business marketing toolbox. You’ve heard that “content is king.” That’s an old phrase which is still very true. The kind of content to be putting out is important to know. And how to get it out there to your target audience. Blogging – written content for your website – is key and in this blog I’ll share why it is vital for your authority and growth, and how you can get started.

Why is Blogging Important?

  1. Builds your authority. Writing about your industry and your products and services shares your expertise and so establishes you as an authority to your clients and potential customers.
  2. Increases traffic to your website. Blogging is an extremely effective and vital piece of your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy.
  3. Gives you great content to share on your social media feeds. A quick video or image post where you announce your latest blog title that is highly captivating for your target audience is a killer.
  4. Blogging gives you something to include in your monthly email newsletter to your client list. This is your reactivation step in your marketing. Keep your clients engaged, educated and reminded that your valuable to them and they need your products and services.
  5. Increases your sales. All the above are going to engage your target audience, get them to your website, get them to reach out to you or consume your content, interest them in your offer and spur them to buy.

How to Get Started with Blogging

Getting started with blogging as a small business owner involves several steps. Here’s a guide to help you kickstart your blogging journey:

Define your goals and target audience:

Determine what you hope to achieve through your blog. Usually this is related to the 5 items I listed above. With your reasoning for your blog in mind, you now need to identify your target audience and understand their interests, needs, and pain points. This will help you create content that resonates with them. For example, are you are vet who is targeting dog and cat pet parents? Or are do you have a consulting company for entrepreneurs? Or, are you a dentist who is targeting moms and families who want great smiles and good oral health? Or maybe you are a car repair shop who is targeting people who want a great, well-operating and good-looking ride.

Choose where you are going to put your blog:

Usually this is your website, but not always. For now, let’s consider that you will post your blogs to your website, under a tab called “Blog”. This is the most straightforward place to start. And this directly relates to getting more traffic to your website and creating more business or you.

Plan your content strategy:

Outline a content strategy to guide your blogging efforts. Decide on the frequency of your blog posts (e.g., weekly, biweekly or monthly) and establish an editorial calendar. Brainstorm ideas for blog topics that align with your goals and audience’s interests. Consider creating a mix of educational content, industry insights, how-to guides, case studies, and relevant news updates.

Research keywords:

Conduct keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find relevant keywords with reasonable search volume and competition. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your blog posts to improve SEO. This is how we get more organic traffic to your blog and thus your website.

Create compelling content:

Start writing your blog posts based on your planned topics and keyword research. Craft engaging, informative, and well-structured articles that provide value to your readers. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability. Include relevant images, videos, or infographics to enhance the visual appeal. You can include pictures you’ve taken or videos you’ve created on the subject. Or you can find free stock photos to use. Or you can even include other people’s videos from YouTube on the subject that helps explain what you are writing about.

Optimize for search engines:

When you post your blog to your website, ensure that you update the “backend” of your website with appropriate tags and a meta description that accurately summarizes the post and entices readers to click. If you have an agency doing this for you then simply ensure you ask them to do this and that they are doing it.

Promote your blog:

Share your blog posts across your social media channels to drive traffic to your blog. Engage with your audience and encourage them to share your content. Share your blog in emails and in your newsletter to your client list.

Analyze and iterate:

Monitor your blog’s performance using analytics tools like Google Analytics. Track metrics such as website traffic, engagement, and conversions. Analyze the data to understand what types of content resonate the most with your audience. Use this information to refine your content strategy and make data-driven decisions.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Regularly publish high-quality content and continuously improve your blog based on feedback and insights. Over time, your blog can become a valuable asset for your business, attracting and engaging your target audience. It can make you into an authority in your industry.

20 topic ideas you can blog about right now. At the end of this blog I’ve provided a list of topic ideas I hope will help you get started right away.

Blog FAQ:

Q: How long should my blog posts be?

A: The ideal length of a blog post can vary depending on the topic and audience preferences. Generally, blog posts between 1,000 to 2,000 words tend to perform well, as they provide ample information while keeping readers engaged. However, focus on delivering quality content rather than strictly adhering to a specific word count.  

Q: Why is blogging important for my small business?

A: Blogging is important for small businesses because it helps establish credibility, attract website traffic, engage with your target audience, and generate leads. It allows you to showcase your expertise, share valuable content, and build a relationship of trust with your customers.

Q: How often should I publish new blog posts?

A: The frequency of publishing new blog posts depends on your resources and goals. It’s recommended to have a consistent schedule, whether it’s weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Consistency is key to keep your audience engaged and attract search engine attention.

Q: What should I write about in my blog?

A: Your blog content should align with your business goals and the interests of your target audience. Consider topics that educate, inform, and solve problems for your readers. Share industry insights, how-to guides, product updates, customer success stories, and relevant news to provide value to your audience.

Q: How can I promote my blog and increase its visibility?

A: Promote your blog by sharing your posts on social media platforms relevant to your audience. Send them out in emails and newsletters. Engage in online communities, participate in discussions, and guest post on other blogs to expand your reach. Incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, such as using keywords, meta tags, and internal linking, to improve your blog’s visibility in search engine results.

Q: How can I measure the success of my blog?

A: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track key metrics such as website traffic, page views, bounce rate, and engagement. These metrics will help you understand the impact of your blog and make informed decisions to optimize your content strategy.

 20 topic ideas for a small business blog:

  1. The story behind your business: Share the journey of how your business started, including challenges, successes, and lessons learned.
  2. Industry trends and insights: Discuss the latest trends, news, and developments in your industry and provide your insights on how they impact your audience.
  3. Frequently asked questions: Compile a list of common questions your customers ask and provide detailed answers and explanations.
  4. Product/service guides and tutorials: Create step-by-step guides or tutorials on how to use your products or services effectively.
  5. Customer success stories: Share stories of satisfied customers and how your product or service helped them achieve their goals or overcome challenges.
  6. Behind-the-scenes: Take readers behind the scenes of your business, showcasing your team, processes, and values.
  7. Tips and tricks: Offer practical tips, hacks, or best practices related to your industry or niche.
  8. Case studies: Present real-life case studies that demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your products or services.
  9. Seasonal or holiday-themed content: Create content that relates to specific seasons, holidays, or events and how they connect to your business.
  10. Explainer videos: Produce short videos that simplify complex topics or concepts related to your industry or offerings.
  11. Industry interviews: Conduct interviews with industry experts or influencers and share their insights and expertise with your audience.
  12. Product/service comparisons: Compare your products or services to similar offerings in the market, highlighting their unique features and benefits.
  13. Business productivity and efficiency tips: Share strategies and tools to help small businesses improve productivity and efficiency in their operations.
  14. Customer testimonials: Showcase positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied customers, emphasizing the value they received from your business.
  15. Local community involvement: Highlight your involvement in community events, charities, or initiatives to showcase your commitment to your local area.
  16. Guest posts: Invite industry experts or influencers to write guest posts for your blog, providing fresh perspectives and insights.
  17. Industry challenges and solutions: Address common challenges faced by your target audience and offer practical solutions or recommendations.
  18. New product or service announcements: Introduce and explain new products or services you’re launching, highlighting their features and benefits.
  19. Industry regulations and compliance: Educate your audience about relevant industry regulations, compliance requirements, and how your business adheres to them.
  20. Success tips for entrepreneurs: Provide valuable advice and tips for aspiring or current entrepreneurs, based on your own experiences and lessons learned.

Remember to tailor these topics to your specific industry, target audience, and business goals.   Good luck in your blogging journey. It can be a massive boost to your business or practice growth. My estimate is that if you invest 5 hours a month on this, you’ll see fantastic benefits to you as an owner and your business.    

Cebron Walker

CEO, Walker Kreative